The narrative of the Bible and its account on God’s action in the world provide meaning to people’s lives and also offers a foundation for their deeds. The book, The Drama of Scripture, authored by Craig Bartholomew and Michael Goheen, seeks to illustrate how the Bible is one unified narrative. The authors split the books into six acts, with each act signifying and defining a key theme in the Bible. I agree with the notion of the Bible being a unified story and view it as imprudent to scrutinize one section devoid of observing how a particular section connects with the rest.
The core account in the Bible is God’s Kingdom, how the Kingdom was created and later on restored all in creation. In its most basic form, the narrative is that God created, the creation disobeyed, and at that point, God descends to mend the ruined relation (Bartholomew).The Bible defines this ebb and flow of creation with the perception of knowing more than God. The recurrent challenge faced by individuals in the Bible is that they repeatedly do not adhere to the covenants. Additionally, the problem was simply that human beings are tainted and defective. In the Old Testament, it illustrates how people struggle and fail to show concern about God’s promises to man while in the New Testament, God presents Himself to man as a sacrifice to mend the creation’s failures.
The Bible’s central theme, as illustrated by the authors, is that every creation belongs to God, and soon, consummation shall befall on human beings, and God will be regarded as the King. Moreover, it is the sole reason that that The Drama of Scripture purposely utilizes the King/Kingdom dialect. It is also observed in the chapter’s titles, with each title displaying King or Kingdom in the title. The authors also portray the concept of God being the Supreme Being, and the entire creation is considered as His Kingdom.
The authors demonstrate how the Bible supports what is written in the article. For instance, they discuss the meaning of God’s covenant and of what importance it bears to the people. They affirm that a covenant is a pledge or agreement that is dispensed in sovereignty. A majority of people view the New and Old Testament as entirely distinct, while others say that the New interchanged with the Old Testament. However, it is an extension of His assurances in the Old Testament (Bartholomew). According to the address on the mount, Jesus always states, ‘for you have learned that it was said’ and was talking about people’s perception of the Old Testament. Matthew 5:21, for instance, states, “You have heard that it was said to those of old, you will not kill, and if he commits the act, he shall face judgment”. In this context, Jesus referred to the book of Exodus states that man shall not kill.
Furthermore, throughout the Sermon, He relates Matthew 5:31 with Deuteronomy 24:1, also refers to Deuteronomy 23:21 and Numbers 30:2 by quoting Matthew chapter five, verse three. Another instance of the Bible being a unified narrative is through Mark 10:6-8 that states, ‘however at the commencement of creation, God created them as man and woman. Hence, a male will renounce his parents and embrace firmly to his companion, and then both will develop into one. They are certainly not two but one flesh.” It relates precisely with Genesis 1:27; God produced him; woman and man He made them.” In addition, “So a male will depart from his parents and embrace firmly to his spouse, and they shall come to be one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). These verses are instances that provide an overview of the scriptures that depict the Bible as an integrated story.
The authors likewise seek to illustrate how the church fits in the Biblical narrative. The church is documented as Paul inscribes 13 letters to the ancient churches as it is shown in the New Testament and are regarded as books in the Bible (Bartholomew).The letters, along with other books, provide information concerning how today’s church ought to fit in God’s story. Matthew 18:20 states that a religious building is a holy place that two or more persons assemble for worship. The Bible states that the church is not building, but rather the congregation assembled in to praise Him. This depicts that all the material possessions that most individuals think are essential to the church do not matter. Human beings suppose that the church requires an upmarket construction. However, the Bible states that they need to be blessings to others. Jesus was seen to be perfect and that we should all aspire to walk in his footsteps. He came to serve humankind, and the church should also carry out the same deeds.
As God’s follower, I am told to share and preach His Love in the duration that humankind awaits consummation. My sole purpose is to develop my relationship with God and carry out the duty of serving as I await the consummation. I realize that what I do is of importance as soon as I view the Bible as a cohesive book in contrast to an assortment of distinct narratives. I intend to pursue a career in cybersecurity management, which, therefore, means that it will entail dealing with crucial and sensitive data that will require me to display high levels of integrity. My moral standards as a Christian may be the only aspect between my career and committing a felony, which makes it essential to remain focused and attached to the Holy word. I am a branch in God’s version and ought to emulate His ways
According to the authors, the bible is not only considered as the Holy Scripture but also tells a story on the Kingdom. They illustrate exactly how the Holy Book should never be regarded as the New or Old Testament but a Bible that tells one story about God as it is proven in many aspects throughout the story. For instance, Jesus’ reference to the Old Testament in regards to the Sermon on numerous occasions. Additionally, both writers continuously illustrate references in order to support every aspect of the book. God likewise developed the church for the purpose of sharing adoration and serving others and not to be served. The place of worship misses its intended target when it emphasizes material possessions and other earthly aspects. I view myself in God’s incorporated story as more significant than as a character in my account. I believe that I live for Him and not for myself, to serve his purpose.
Works Cited
Bartholomew, Craig G., and Michael W. Goheen. The drama of scripture: Finding our place in the biblical story. Baker Academic, 2004.