Path-Goal Styles Questionnaire

When I am the leader…

  1. I give clear explanation of what is expected of others.

Answer: 5 (Always).

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Path-Goal Styles Questionnaire
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  1. I show interest in followers’ personal concerns.

Answer: 4 (Often).


  1. I invite followers to participate in decision making.

Answer: 4 (Often).


  1. I challenge followers to continuously improve their work performance.

Answer: 5 (Always).


  1. I give followers explicit instructions for how to do their work.

Answer: 5 (Always).


  1. I show concern for the personal well-being of my followers.

Answer: 4 (Often).


  1. I solicit followers’ suggestions before making a decision.

Answer: 3 (Sometimes).


  1. I encourage followers to consistently raise their own standards of performance.

Answer: 5 (Always).


  1. I give clear directions to others for how to proceed on a project.

Answer: 5 (Always).


  1. I listen to others and give them encouragement.

Answer: 5 (Always).


  1. I am receptive to ideas and advice of others.

Answer: 5 (Always).


  1. I expect followers to excel in all aspects of their work.

Answer: 4 (Often).


Scoring and Total Scores

Directive leadership: Answer – 15.

Supportive leadership: Answer – 13.

Participative leadership: Answer – 12.

Achievement-oriented leadership: Answer – 14.


Scoring Interpretation.

Strengths: Directive and Achievement-oriented leadership. Also, shows strong supportive leadership style as it falls in the high range of 13-15.

Weaknesses: Participative leadership as it shows the lowest score as compared to others. It falls in the moderate range of between 6-12 indicating there is need for improvement.


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