Hummus Wars Essay

Understanding food, culture, identity, and nationalism is an imperative approach in the contemporary setting. The ‘Hummus Wars’ video analyzes the pros and cons associated with the development of a cultural perspective in food-related matters. One of the advantages is that local food provides individuals with an identity. For instance, if a region is well-known to produce a particular product or dish, they possess identity over it. Other nations associate the region with the product or food brand. Notably, it also food and culture correlate and expose one local community to a wide range of items utilized by another culture. This way, global communities have an opportunity to learn one or a few tips regarding the consumption of that product. For example, one culture might deem a dish as an appetizer while the other serves it as a main dish. Exposure to food and culture creates a better understanding and familiarization with the consumption of various dishes. 

On the other hand, the video highlights major arguments that reject the integration of food and culture across the global setting. One of the disadvantages is that it divides communities since people are always struggling to examine who makes a dish better than the other. Cultures struggle to counter each other in the production of food products such as the hummus. People might develop hate and negative perceptions towards a culture that portrays superiority compared to a community that is well-known to make a particular food product. Also, it erodes a culture’s identity. If another community improves a process associated with a food product, the move threatens the welfare and status of the culture that initially availed the item in the public domain.

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