Child Abuse Essay Sample

Section 1

Child abuse is regarded as a form of abuse when either a parent or guardian, whether through act or failing to act, causes injury and emotive detriment to a kid. According to Stoltenborgh et.,al (2013),internationally, it is projected that over one billion children between the ages 2–17 years, have undergone different forms of abuse. Numerous modes of maltreatment children, comprising of neglect, bodily abuse, sexual abuse, taking advantage and emotive abuse. 

Section 2

Victims of physical child abuse exhibit various characteristics. The characteristics include physical disabilities as a result of the bodily harm, mental or developmental delays along with difficult nature and behavioural difficulties. They also display signs of social withdrawal, a loss of interest or enthusiasm and also depression.

Section 3

They portray characteristics such as displaying low esteem because they view themselves as worthless beings, often jealous and distrusting of the victim. Lastly, Display a fascination with weapons or owning a weapon and think that solve issues through violence is a viable option. 

Section 4

Various signs of abuse include dressing up in inappropriate type of clothing in order to hide the wounds such as elongated sleeved tops during humid weather. Another sign is recurrent wounds, swellings or incisions. The victim is constantly vigilant, as if expecting for something awful to take place. Variations in behaviour for instance violence, resentment, aggression or hyperactivity and deviations of performance in school


Section 5

Contributing factors of child abuse include community and environmental aspects, risk factors for the recurrence of physical mistreatment and negligence, co-occurring aspects, family factors and parent or care giver aspects.  

Section 6

The events that may be inconsistent with information in section 2 to section 5 the individual may have been abused but it was also exaggerated and endured occurrences at a tender age that full-grown men occasionally don’t endure.

Section 7

Various methods of preventing physical child abuse such as keeping the children healthy, gain control before punishing a child and also avoid physical punishment. Make a home become a violence free zone by switch off violent TV shows and avert children from hanging around an offensive grown-up under one roof.

Section 8

Treatment may assist both kids and parents in mistreatment circumstances. According to Lutzker (2013) the foremost main concern is guaranteeing the security and protection for abused children. The viable of options for the treatment include medical care, psychotherapy, coping and support.

Section 9

  Grown-ups often are violence victims experienced in juvenile. They frequently seek loneliness, are habitually apprehensive, and have problems in interacting with others. A majority of them have little self-confidence, and regard themselves as undeserving and detested with 90% of paternities who mistreat kids having likelihoods for reclamation. 



Stoltenborgh, M., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M. J., Van Ijzendoorn, M. H., & Alink, L. R. (2013). Cultural–geographical differences in the occurrence of child physical abuse? A meta-analysis of global prevalence. International Journal of Psychology48(2), 81-94.

Lutzker, J. R. (Ed.). (2013). Handbook of child abuse research and treatment. Springer Science & Business Media.

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