Create a Proposal for Teen Sexuality

The Mid Term will be a written assignment in which students will create a Proposal for Teen Sexuality to provide services to High School Students. Students will work collaboratively in Teams. Proposals will need to be written as if they are being presented to local high school.

All Proposals must be written in APA format.

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Create a Proposal for Teen Sexuality
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I. Cover Page

    1. Name of the Group-Name of Organization the Social Worker/Counselor Represents (Jackson State University)
    2. Topic

II. Professional Disclosure

    1. Purpose of the Group
    2. Literature Review (1-2 Pages) based on Research within the past 5 years as it relates to your topic.

III. Session Schedule

Week 1: Session Objective- Ex: Introduction to Teen Sexuality-Students will learn about the onset of puberty based on gender; male or female.

Learning Activity-Students will watch video on Puberty and have open discussion.

Week 2; Session Objective, Learning Activity

Week 3; Session Objective, Learning Activity

Week 4; Session Objective, Learning Activity

Week 5; Session Objective, Learning Activity

Week 6, Session Objective, Learning Activity

IV.  Reference Page

V.  Appendix

    1. Informed Consent (will need to be written based on the specific population) for student participation given by the parents.
    2. Session Evaluation

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  • 275 words per page
  • 12 pt Arial/Times New Roman
  • Double line spacing
  • Any citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard)