Can Multi-media instruction invoke multi-tasking in learners

1. Multi-media instruction can invoke multi-tasking in learners on voluntary and involuntary levels. Several information channels may be in operation and may be activated consciously or unconsciously. During learning, one or more channels may be utilizing the maximum cognitive resources available. Under those conditions, cross-channel interference may be more likely. In light of the phenomena of voluntary and involuntary initiation of cognitive tasks by multi-media presentations are multi- or mono-media instructional materials more efficacious to learners? Why? 370 words, APA 7 format, 2 peer-review journal articles references

2. Under what conditions and in what job tasks must individuals be able to multi-task? Would multi-media presentations during training be useful in preparation for such job tasks? Why or why not? Could such presentations assist in placing learners on a continuum of multi-tasking ability? Why or why not? 370 words, APA 7 format, 2 peer-review journal articles references

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Can Multi-media instruction invoke multi-tasking in learners
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