Maintaining a Healthy Mindset



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Personal writing style

Respond to the following prompt: Maintaining a Healthy Mindset, in 250-300 words.

Please refer to these questions to help guide your thinking. You do NOT have to answer every single one:

Do you believe in maintaining a healthy mindset? What things do you do for the sake of your mental health (go for walks, hobbies, painting, listening to music, etc.)? What does positive mental health look like to you? What are some challenges to maintaining a healthy mindset? What are some things that can affect your/someone else’s mental health? Can the people around you impact your mental health? If so, how? How do you know you’re surrounding yourself with the right people?

In your response, you must include…

one (1) citation from the article (see below) on mental health in your reflection that stood out to you or resonated with you, and relate it to the topic of your journal entry.

Link to the article:

Remember: When citing text from an article, write the author’s name and an abbreviated version of the title in the brackets.

Example: In the article, the author states that mental health is “the gateway to happiness” (Doyne, “Mental health these days”).

Make one (1) connection to King Lear in your reflection. You do not need a citation for this.

After you have finished your reflection, highlight the adjectives you have used, and replace them with more vivid, complex adjectives.

Include BOTH paragraphs in your submission to show the changes you made. Use a thesaurus (online or physical copy) to find the synonyms.

Please refer to the sample below to give you an idea of the format.

First draft:

My mental health is very important to me. Every day, I go for a walk after school to clear my head and reset. The walks are generally quite long and give me the chance to reflect on the day and the things I have l learned, the things that were hard, and the ways in which I could improve. The journey to positive mental health can be rocky at times, but as long as you don’t let the little stuff bother you, and take it one day at a time, you will be happy with the results. King Lear has no clearly identified coping strategies, which may be why he is consistently angry with those around him.

Revised draft:

My mental health is crucial to me. Every day, I go for a walk after school to clear my head and reset. The walks are generally quite extended and give me the chance to reflect on the day and the things I have l learned, the things that were challenging, and the ways in which I could improve. The journey to positive mental health can be arduous at times, but as long as you don’t let the inconsequential stuff bother you, and take it one day at a time, you will be content with the results. King Lear has no clearly identified coping strategies, which may be why he is consistently incensed with those around him.

Link to MLA Guidelines:

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