Leaders in managing the sovereignty of their home country

Subject: Politics

Format: Research Piece (max 4500 words, 1.5 spaced, excluding cover page)

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Leaders in managing the sovereignty of their home country
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Research Question: “If our leaders’ interests are truly focused on human resources and their development coming together and strengthening our presence on the international stage, this is what will put the Caribbean in a position of respect and real independence” Mia Mottley.

Using the above statement, you are required to compile a project report on the changing face of CARICOM and its relevance in the 21st century.

Project report should include the following:

1)    An introduction highlighting the role of CARICOM

2)    Critically discuss the challenges face by CARICOM leaders in managing the sovereignty of their home country while embracing the need for regionalism

3)    Provide an overview of how CARICOM can play a greater role in the fight against Covid-19 and climate change

4)    In response to the challenges you have identified, discuss ways in which CARICOM can aid with the development of the Caribbean region.  Ensure to include the challenges of globalization and geopolitics.


  • Essays should be accompanied by a Reference/Bibliography. No less than 3 sources should be used. Wikipedia and online dictionaries are not sources.NO plagiarism.
  • APA format to be used

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