Compare and contrast the innovative technologies used in healthcare research

  1. Compare and contrast the innovative technologies used in healthcare research.
  2. Discuss the possible societal implications of technologies used in healthcare research (policy/legal, ethical, cultural).
  3. Explain current issues/challenges associated with a current or emerging technology with applications in healthcare research.

Module ReadingsRequired Readings:

  • Shortliffe, E.H., & Cimino, J.J. (2014). Biomedical informatics: Computer applications in healthcare and biomedicine.  (Links to an external site.)Springer.
    • Chapter 26:  Clinical Research Informatics
  • Panesar, A. (2019). Machine Learning and AI for Healthcare : Big Data for Improved Health Outcomes (Links to an external site.). Apress.
    • Chapter 1:  What is Artificial Intelligence
    • Chapter 6:  Ethics of Intelligence (Optional – but a great resource for ethical issues)
  • Pankajavalli, P. B., & Karthick, G. S. (2020). Incorporating the Internet of Things in healthcare applications and wearable devices (Links to an external site.). IGI Global.
    • Chapter 14:  Big Data, Data Mining, and Data Analytics in IoT-based Healthcare Applications

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Compare and contrast the innovative technologies used in healthcare research
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