Compare how you market yourself to how companies market themselves

Must be more than 250 words

Select a current or former place of employment, or a company you are familiar with. Share an example of how this company markets itself. Do you think its efforts are successful? Explain why or why not.

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Compare how you market yourself to how companies market themselves
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Compare how you market yourself to how companies market themselves, considering both similarities and differences What outcomes is an individual looking for when marketing themselves? What outcomes is a company looking for when marketing itself?

You must use a minimum of three scholarly resources, cited with parenthetical APA style citations in the body of your post, and referenced at the bottom of your post with APA style references

You need finish 1 page of slide to cover the of reason of why The smart car of Mercedes Benz expansion, you need include What were the drivers for expanding internationally? What were their challenges and  opportunities? How the smart car expansion in North America market.

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