Euro Disneyland case

Using the Decision Matrix Analysis along with the Decision Matrix Analysis video, make the following decisions relative to the case study about Euro Disneyland (p. 262):

The first section of you should be an explanation of this process and how you decided on each of the factors in the matrix.

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Euro Disneyland case
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1. List all of the cultural challenges posed by Disney’s expansion into Europe. (Side of matrix.) Need in-depth analysis on the cultural challenges

2. Next, list the variables that influenced these challenges. (Top of matrix.)depth analysis

3. Decide on a score (1-5) for each of these challenges according to the relative importance of the factors. Multiply each of these scores by 2 to find the weighted scores for each option/factor combination.

Next, respond to the following questions in the rest :

Using Hofstede’s four cultural dimensions as a point of reference noted in the case,

  1.  what are some of the main cultural differences between the United States and France?
  2. In managing its Euro Disneyland operations, what are three mistakes that the company made? Explain your response with examples.
  3. As a conclusion, reflect on your overall thoughts on this case


Chapters 6 & 7 in International Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behavior

Chapter 6 PowerPoint slides

“In-Depth Integrative Case Study 2.1a: Euro Disneyland” (p. 262) in International Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behavior


Bucurean, M. (2018). The effects of moods and emotions on decision making process – A qualitative study. Annals of the University of Oradea: Economic Science, 28(1), 423-429.


Carataș M., Spătariu E., & Trandafir R. A. (2018). Organizational culture impact on strategic management. Ovidius University Annals: Economic Sciences Series, XVIII (2), 405-408.


Bacha, S., & Azouzi, M. (2019). How gender and emotions bias the credit decision-making in banking firms. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 22, 183-191.

Kangas, M., Kaptein, M., Huhtala, M., Lämsä, A., Pihlajasaari, P., & Feldt, T. (2018). Why do managers leave their organization? Investigating the role of ethical organizational culture in managerial turnover. Journal of Business Ethics, 153(3), 707-723.

Najeemdeen, I., Abidemi, B., Rahmat, F., & Bulus, B. (2018). Perceived organizational culture and perceived organizational support on work engagement. Academic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(3), 199-208. Important Information :

  • Be 5-6 pages in length
  • APA (7th ed)
  • least seven scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.

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