Identify the firm’s founder(s). Explain how the founder(s) influenced the firm over the long term (e.g., shaped the firm’s products and services, culture, strategy, or structure in enduring ways).
Identify the firm’s CEO. Describe his or her prior experiences and other relevant information (e.g., apparent character traits) and why they are important to the firm.
Discuss key attributes of the firm’s corporate governance (e.g., the mix of insiders and outsiders on the board, whether the CEO serves as Chair, owners that have large stakes, etc.). You can find this information by examining the firm’s 10-K reports (see (Links to an external site.)).
Evaluate the appropriateness, strengths, and weaknesses of the firm’s corporate governance.
Should be written about Amazon, similar to previous discussion
Paper format
275 words per page
12 pt Arial/Times New Roman
Double line spacing
Any citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard)