Police powers


This exam is a take-home, open notes exam.  This means that you can use the following material from this class: your class notes, Powerpoint slides, the Midterm 1 Review Sheet, and the textbook.  However, you cannot work with other students on the exam; it must be your own work.  You also cannot use outside sources from the internet (i.e. don’t use Google).  Please read questions carefully and answer every part of the prompt.

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Police powers
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Part I: ID’s (Answer 2 ID Questions only, 5 points each, 10 points total)


Instructions: Identify AND Explain the significance of 2 of the following 4 terms, concepts, or cases.  The “identification” should take the form of a definition and/or explanation of the term, concept, or case.  The “significance” can take the form of its significance to American government, an example, or an application to current events.


Word Limit: 100 words max (about 3-4 sentences max) for Each of the 2 ID Questions chosen


  1. Marbury v. Madison


Answer Here:

  1. Transaction costs


Answer Here:


  1. Police powers


Answer Here:


  1. Federalist Paper No. 10


Answer Here:


Part II: Short Answer Questions – Checks and Balances (20 points total)


Instructions: Answer 2 out of 3 Short Answer Questions (10 points each, 20 Points Total).  Write your answer in complete sentences (no bullet points or charts/graphs).  You will be graded on your ability to answer the questions asked and on the quality of your answers.  Please define any important terms that you use and provide analysis for your answers.



Word Limit: 250 words for each of the two short answer questions; 500 words max total (about 1 page max single spaced)



Answer 2 of the following 3 questions:



  1. Describe the checks and balances that the President can exercise against Congress. Describe

the checks and balances that Congress can exercise against the President.


Answer Here:



  1. Describe the checks and balances that the President can exercise against the Supreme Court.

Describe the checks and balances that the Supreme Court can exercise against the President.


Answer Here:



  1. Describe the checks and balances that Congress can exercise against the Supreme Court.

Describe the checks and balances that the Supreme Court can exercise against Congress

Answer Here:






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