Develop strategies for implementing a set of DSS, BA, and AI solutions

Assignment – Develop Short- and Long-Term DSS-Based Strategies Scenario

Imagine you’re the CIO of a large company (for example, a financial institution, a national fast-food franchise, a mobile phone service provider, or a large Internet-based company) that is experiencing a few industry changes (for example, fiscal or regulatory changes, new competition, new market forces, or changing technologies). Executive leaders want to completely understand your customers to improve revenue growth from existing customers and acquire new customers.

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Develop strategies for implementing a set of DSS, BA, and AI solutions
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Executive leaders believe that by understanding your customers’ demographics, spending patterns, credit scores, financial information, and so on, you can provide better customer service, market your products more effectively, create new products, and retain your customers.

Many technologies, solutions, and processes exist that you can leverage to obtain this information. Many new technologies have emerged in recent years, such as cloud computing, SaaS, mobile BI, and Big Data.

Executive leaders have asked you to develop short-term and long-term strategies for implementing a set of DSS, BA, and AI solutions to meet your goal of achieving a comprehensive view of your customers.


Fictitious assumptions and details may be assumed or created for the completion of this assignment. Application cases and examples in the textbook and elsewhere may be used to support your discussions and examples.

Write a 4–5 page paper in which you:

  • Explain, with examples, how your comprehensive view of customer data can solve three of your company’s business problems.
  • Develop, with justification, both a short- and a long-term strategy to meet your goal of achieving a comprehensive view of customer data.
  • Explain, with examples, how to use three implementation technologies to achieve the goals of your short- and long-term strategies.
  • Support your writing with at least three credible, relevant, and appropriate sources.
    • Cite each source on your source list at least one time within your assignment.

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