Environmental justice

For this assignment, you will identify and weigh the effectiveness of strategies that serve to mitigate environmental racism and work toward environmental justice.


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Environmental justice
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This part of the Course Project expects you to address aspects of environmental justice by considering the following questions.

  1. What has the community done?
  2. What have allies from outside the community done?
  3. Describe the policies in place at the local, state, or federal level that address environmental racism at the local and national levels.
  4. Identify some beginning ideas about how an intervention could occur at the individual and systems level (i.e., micro, mezzo, or macro level).
  5. What are the barriers?
  6. What has been achieved?
  7. What are the failures and setbacks?
  8. What recommendations do you have?


Your assignment this week is to write a two-page APA paper (not including cover page and reference page; no abstract required) about the strategies that serve as an intervention to mitigate environmental racism and work toward environmental justice. You will use the guiding questions provided under the Tasks section to organize your paper. Complete a Reference page where you cite sources and/or websites in APA format.

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