Are out-groups mostly negative?


You will address the following tasks in one discussion post (Primary Post):

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Are out-groups mostly negative?
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  • Chapter 9 – one opening question and one additional question of your choice.
  • Chapter 10 – one opening question and one additional question of your choice.
  • Critical Thinking – Read the following report (Global Gender Gap Report 2020 from the World Economic Forum) and share your findings.


  1. Why are inequities between individuals and groups difficult to resolve?

Choose one of the following additional questions to answer:

  • Are all the primary dimensions of diversity in Table 9.1 equally important to your current identity? Why or why not?
  • What are some of the competitive advantages of diverse workgroups? Give real-life examples.
  • Using the Inclusion Framework (Table 9.3) how can a person move from one quadrant to another?
  • What is the role of organizational members, not just the leader, to “effectively address and build inclusion”?
  • Is it ever acceptable not to be inclusive of every group? Why or why not?


  1. Are out-groups mostly negative? If so, why? Are there positive aspects to out-groups? If so, what?

Choose one of the following additional questions to answer:

  • How can a leader work to bring opposing viewpoints into a group?
  • How would you incorporate out-group members into an organization?
  • Why are out-groups so prevalent in our culture?
  • Is it possible to eliminate out-groups entirely?
  • How should leaders approach out-groups that are a sizeable minority of the group? What if the out-group represents a majority of members?
  • Some out-group members are social loafers and have no intention of changing. What would you recommend the leader do in such cases?
  • What is a social group that you identify with? How are you similar to others in that group? Different?
  • Respond to this statement: “People always remember how you make them feel.”

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