Killing a species population

Ecology Unit Discussion Board Question

1. Consider humanity as the ultimate predator. Many, if not most of us, particularly in the United States, are quite comfortable with the harvesting of organisms like tuna, deer, ducks, or rabbits. Other countries and cultures; however, value species for food that rarely, if ever, find their way to the North American dinner plate.

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Killing a species population
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What are your thoughts on the harvesting of organisms such as whales, dolphins, seals, etc.? Is hunting the only major issue that might threaten the existence of these organisms? Should we limit ourselves to eating only certain organisms? Why, or why not? Feel free to do some independent research.

2. What is your opinion on culling? Is there a time that it is appropriate? Culling is the process of segregating organisms from a group according to desired or undesired characteristics. Humans usually cull by killing individuals of a species population.

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