Assess the impact for the two data sets

For each of the following assets, assign a low, moderate, or high impact level for the loss of confidentiality, availability, and integrity, respectively. Justify your answers.

a. A portal maintained by the Government to provide information regarding its departments and services.

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Assess the impact for the two data sets
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b. A hospital managing the medical records of its patients.

c. A financial organization managing routine administrative information (not privacy-related information).

d. An information system used for large acquisitions in a contracting organization that contains both sensitive, pre-solicitation phase contract information and routine administrative information. Assess the impact for the two data sets separately and the information system as a whole.

e. The Examinations department of a University maintains examination particulars, such as question papers of forthcoming examinations, grades obtained, and examiner details. The University’s administrative department maintains the students’ attendance particulars and internal assessment results. Assess the impact for the two data sets separately and the information system as a whole.

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