Configure the system with a static public IP address

Configure the system with a static public IP address. Connect the system to the Internet and observe any malicious activity (successful or failed) that appears in the logs. Report on your results. Understand intrusions and intrusion detection Identify two different types of intrusion detection systems Explain common errors intrusion detection systems produce List the main types of intrusions Understand different intrusion detection system placement locations

What is the best description of an intrusion? a. It is the same as an incident. b. Any use, or attempted use, of a system that exceeds authentication limits. c. Any violation, or attempted violation, of your security policy. d. Any use, or attempted use, of a system for criminal purposes. Which type of security policy best supports the concept of least privilege? a. Permissive b. Strict c. Prohibitive d. Lenient

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Configure the system with a static public IP address
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