CIA triad’s principle of integrity

Which principle of the DAD triad corresponds to the CIA triad’s principle of integrity? a. Disclosure b. Alteration c. Assumption d. Destruction What type of program is specially designed to help a regular user achieve superuser status by exploiting known vulnerabilities? a. Virus b. Crack c. Rootkit d. Trojan horse e. Trinoo Of the following systems, which is the most likely first target of a cracker seeking to penetrate a network? a. Public Web server b. Firewall c. Domain controller d. Intrusion detection system e. Individual workstation

It is absolutely critical that you put a device in place on your network using a strategy if you plan to allow outside users to access applications on your network. On a system with multiple administrators, how many accounts should each administrator have? a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3 e. 4 Which principle of the DAD triad corresponds to the CIA triad’s principle of confidentiality? a. Disclosure b. Alteration c. Assumption d. Destruction

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CIA triad’s principle of integrity
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