Research Application

Research Application Exercise

Style APA
Number of words 1210
Number of sources 0
Spacing Double
PowerPoint slides 0

Part 1: Gathering and Evaluating Research

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Research and find a source for each of the three types listed below and then use the CRAAP framework to evaluate them. If you conclude that any/all of the sources are credible, save it to a folder on your computer or browser Bookmarks titled “CMM 100 Explanatory Project.”

Source 1: Newspaper Article

Current (Relevance to Topic): Does the source talk about your topic? Does the source provide information that is appropriate for your audience (not too simple, not too complex)?


How up-to-date is the source? Does it have the most recent information possible?


Does the source include other credible sources to support ideas? Has the source gone through a review process?


What are the author’s credentials? Does the author have the credibility to speak on the topic?


What is the goal of the speaker and/or publication? Does the source include biases or emotions that are skewing the objectivity of the research?

Source 2: Scholarly Journal Article

Current (Relevance to Topic): Does the source talk about your topic? Does the source provide information that is appropriate for your audience (not too simple, not too complex)?


How up-to-date is the source? Does it have the most recent information possible?

Accurate: Does the source include other credible sources to support ideas? Has the source gone through a review process?

Author: What are the author’s credentials? Does the author have the credibility to speak on the topic?

Purpose: What is the goal of the speaker and/or publication? Does the source include biases or emotions that are skewing the objectivity of the research?

Source 3: Website

Current (Relevance to Topic): Does the source talk about your topic? Does the source provide information that is appropriate for your audience (not too simple, not too complex)?

Recent: How up-to-date is the source? Does it have the most recent information possible?

Accurate: Does the source include other credible sources to support ideas? Has the source gone through a review process?

Author: What are the author’s credentials? Does the author have the credibility to speak on the topic?

Purpose: What is the goal of the speaker and/or publication? Does the source include biases or emotions that are skewing the objectivity of the research?

Part 2: Documenting Information

Provide the proper APA Citation for All Three Sources You Evaluated in Part 1.

Source 1:

Source 2:

Source 3:

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