Case Study: In Search of Effective Project Managers

Case Study 4.1—In Search of Effective Project Managers

This case involves Pureswing Golf, and illustrates the problems when organizations attempt to locate competent project managers without any systematic plan for identifying and training good potential candidates. They are discovering that the “voluntary approach,” whereby new project managers are solicited seemingly at random from around the company, simply does not work. Many of these individuals likely do not have the skills or a reasonable understanding of what it takes to manage projects effectively.

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Case Study: In Search of Effective Project Managers
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  1. Imagine you are a human resources professional at Pureswing who has been assigned to develop a program for recruiting new project managers. Design a job description for the position.
  2. What qualities and personal characteristics support a higher likelihood of success as a project manager?
  3. What qualities and personal characteristics would make it difficult to be a successful project manager?

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