Electronic media

Imagine you are a news editor. You have been asked to respond to an online discussion thread regarding how information media has affected American culture.

Answer each of the following questions in 100 to 150 words:

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Electronic media
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Does the information media have social responsibility? If yes, in what ways? If not, why not?

What is the role of the information and news media in the shaping of political opinions?

How have electronic media and their convergence transformed journalism and news consumption

How are standards in journalism still relevant and important in today’s media, opinion, and media-saturated world

What role does satire have in the news today? How have programs and websites such as The Daily ShowThe Colbert Report, and The Onion provided a separate space for commentary on the news and news providers?

Illustrate your responses with specific examples.

Refer to the following required learning activities:

Week 4 Electronic Reserve Readings

Naureckas, J. (2015). Sanders, Trump both surged — Only one fascinated media. Extra!28(8), 1.

Terilli, Jr., S. A. (2008). Government playing at journalism, not government paying journalists, is the real problem. Journal of Mass Media Ethics, 23(2), 167-169

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