Virginia the Colony
L2: Reading Guide
Choose one of the following selections. Review/reread the selection as necessary to complete the reading guide to demonstrate close reading.
1. His Report to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella Regarding his First Voyage Christopher Columbus
2. The Proceedings and Accidents of The English Colony in Virginia Captain John Smith
3. Of their Voyage, and how they Passed the Sea; and of their Safe Arrival at Cape Cod William Bradford
Reading Guide sample
SUBJECT Simple comprehension regarding what the selection is about.
OCCASION For the purpose of literary analysis, it is what is/was going on in the author’s world that makes that author write about that subject, at that time, in that way. Identifying occasion allows the student to discuss the work within the correct political, social, and historical context.
AUDIENCE The individual or group a literary work is written for. Audience can control how material is structured, the type and level of language used, and whether the subject is presented in broad concepts or explored in depth.
PURPOSE The author’s intention or goal for composing the work.
SPEAKER -attitude -tone In analyzing non-fiction work, the speaker is identified as having a particular attitude towards the subject and chooses to write using a specific tone. (note: see attitude and tone within the ENH241 glossary for further understanding of speaker)
Please keep it original, free of basic grammar, punctuation and spelling errors. Thanks
Title: ______________________________________________________
Templet to use for answers just like the the sample. But please provide the answers in a chart format. just like this one above. thanks