
Your company is in the process of upgrading the network infrastructure, which involves moving from a 10BaseT to 100BaseT network. Currently, they use Bus topology in the network. As a member of the data network team, you are asked to take care of a portion of this upgrade. And, you would also like to suggest they move from Bus topology to Star topology.

Justify your suggestion to update to Star topology?

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What updates you would have about network hardware in order to move to 100BaseT?

How would you provide the best desktop connectivity for end users, and the fastest possible throughput and security for the payroll department?

In addition, decide what type of devices to use in the closet. Write a 2-4 page paper using the APA style that summarizes your findings, and provides enough detail to fully support your opinion and any arguments.

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  • Any citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard)