
Loretta, a 66-year-old female client, is being evaluated by and orthopedist at a local clinic following a recent wrist fracture. While taking her medical history Loretta tells the physician that a year ago, she fell and experienced a vertebral compression fracture, and two other different fractures in the last two previous years. The Health care provider notes the she has a stooped posture and a hunched back. Her medical record reveals a she is 5’4 this year in comparison to two years ago when her height measured 5’6.
She also complains of fatigue constipation, weight gain and thinning hair and has had 3 episodes of kidney stones in the last year.
The physician suspects she has primary and secondary causes that correlate to her complaints so he orders other tests to confirm his suspicion.
What is the primary cause for Loretta’s condition? (explain how this happened) in detail?
Answer and document from what page(s) in our book this information was found
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Which individuals are most likely to develop this condition? Why?
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What 2 hormone protects women and men from developing this problem and what is the physiology be detailed?
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What is the medical term for hunchback and what is the physiological cause(s)?
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What other body systems complications may she have from this happening to her?
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What measures can an individual take to prevent this skeletal disorder I want to know specifics? (think about you are counseling this patient)
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As a nurse how could you assess this condition and how would you document it? What is in the LVN scope and when should she call the doctor?
Answer and document from what page(s) in our book this information was found
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8. What other conditions could her secondary complaints be related too?
a. Answer and document from what page(s) in our book this information was found
b. Look up a second accepted scientific reference AND PARAPHRASE additional information about answer in(a) you must document site
9. Other than the male and female hormones that effect bone what other hormones can effect bone integrity
a. Answer and document from what page(s) in our book this information was found
b. Look up a second accepted scientific reference AND PARAPHRASE additional information about answer in(a) you must document site
10. What Labs and test would indicate for the primary condition and then the secondary?
a. Answer and document from what page(s) in our book this information was found
b. Look up a second accepted scientific reference AND PARAPHRASE additional information about answer in(a) you must document site

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