Public Health Ethics.

Subject: Public Health and the Environment


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Public Health Ethics.
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Format: APA

Number of sources: 3

Number of pages: 1

Spacing: double spaced

Topic: Discussion

Details: Consider the public health issue you selected for your course project using the framework of Chapter 8 in Public Health Ethics. As you think about your issue from a global perspective, what aspects of it have the most influence beyond your community and have implications for the global community? Think in terms of lifestyle, population dynamics, disease, climate change, and disaster response.

With a focus on the entire planet, why does your topic matter?
If you were to select a global public health issue to focus on, rather than a community public health issue, which one would you be most interested in and why?
What do you think is the most pressing global public health issue we will be facing 50 years from today and why?

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  • 12 pt Arial/Times New Roman
  • Double line spacing
  • Any citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard)