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How can a leader work to bring opposing viewpoints into a group?
Are out-groups mostly negative? If so, why? Are there positive aspects to out-groups? If so, what?
Choose one of the following additional questions to answer
How can a leader work to bring opposing viewpoints into a group?
How would you incorporate out-group members into an organization?
Why are out-groups so prevalent in our culture?
Is it possible to eliminate out-groups entirely?
How should leaders approach out-groups that are a sizeable minority of the group? What if the out-group represents a majority of members?
Some out-group members are social loafers and have no intention of changing. What would you recommend the leader do in such cases?
What is a social group that you identify with? How are you similar to others in that group? Different?
Respond to this statement: “People always remember how you make them feel.”
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How can a leader work to bring opposing viewpoints into a group?
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