Construct an industry value chain.

This is a case about competition and anti-trust.

After a long and heated court battle, a United States District Court in Washington D.C. delivered a verdict on the Department of Justice’s case against AT&T’s proposed acquisition of Time Warner. The document that you have is the entire verdict and its rationale in 172 pages. We will use this case to study how industries can be and are defined and how the actions of the players in an industry determine its structure and the path to profitability for its players.

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Construct an industry value chain.
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This is a case about competition and anti-trust. At the heart of this case is the question: if the U.S. government permits AT&T to acquire Time Warner, would the new entity (AT&T/Time Warner) become so dominant that competitors would suffer and ultimately consumers like us would be worse off dealing with a monopoly that would charge high prices? The key to this is how each party defined the industry.

Read page 1 to the top of page 28 (till the start of “The Parties and Proposed Merger”).

On page 7, the report talks about “the three-stage chain of production and distribution.” Using my example of the global apparel value chain, construct an industry value chain with examples of players in each stage. I don’t want a narrative, simply a value chain with details.

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