Described concepts of nursing specific to the model.

In this assignment, you are going to locate a conceptual framework that you could use in advanced nursing practice. Explain how your chosen conceptual framework of nursing relates to the unique perspective of the metaparadigm concept of person/client, nurse, health, and environment and apply the value of a conceptual framework to advanced nursing roles. Keep in mind, that the conceptual framework is used to allow for practical applications of the metaparadigm concept that will lead to a concrete theory.

[The purpose of the assignment is clearly stated in a fully formed paragraph of at least five sentences in length supported with relevant background and peer reviewed source support.]
Identify a nursing conceptual framework /conceptual model.
[Identified a nursing conceptual framework fully described the goal and function of the conceptual framework in a fully formed paragraph with peer reviewed source support.]
Describe major concepts of nursing according to the conceptual framework/conceptual model.
[Fully described concepts of nursing (person, environment, health, and nursing) specific to the model with peer reviewed source support.]
Describe value of conceptual framework/conceptual model to advance nurse roles.
[Fully described the value of conceptual framework/conceptual model to research and nursing practice with peer reviewed sources of support.]
[The conclusion restates the main idea, summarize at least three sub points, in a fully formed paragraph of a minimum of five sentences in length with peer reviewed source support.]

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Described concepts of nursing specific to the model.
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