Discuss at least two law enforcement agencies or organizations that work to fight transnational crime in the United States and around the world.

This is a team assignment. In this assignment your team will create a PowerPoint presentation that describes the history, organization and the role of Transnational Criminal Organizations in the world today. You will need to expand your research beyond the textbook. In your presentation you should also briefly describe one major Transnational Criminal Organization as an example. Discuss at least two law enforcement agencies or organizations that work to fight transnational crime in the United States and around the world. This assignment will consist of between 22 and 25 slides, including a title slide, introduction slide, conclusion slide, a reference slide and other slides in the body. You must include “speaker’s notes” on most of your slides. Some of your slides should include pictures, charts, graphs or other graphics. Do not put too many words on one slide, use greater than 24 pt. founts on most slides. You will need to cite at least three academic reference sources on your reference slide(s).

Grading Criteria

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Discuss at least two law enforcement agencies or organizations that work to fight transnational crime in the United States and around the world.
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  • Your own team analysis using the recognized critical thinking process.
  • A complete organizational description and accurate explanation of the Transnational Criminal Organization that you use as an example.
  • A brief and accurate description of two law enforcement organizations that fight transnational crime in the United States and around the world.
  • The use of accurate information sources from the textbook, websites, and from other additional scholarly reference sources, at least three reference sources.
  • Proper use of the organizational structure of the presentation and APA format.
  • The length of the presentation, between 22 and 25 slides
  • Effective communication of your ideas in a presentation that are supported by the facts.




This is the complete assignment . just so you are aware, however, so your job is just supposed to do 3 powerpoint slides discussing the topic given. Please be sure to just write briefly points and if you use pictures only include in 1-2 slides.

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  • 275 words per page
  • 12 pt Arial/Times New Roman
  • Double line spacing
  • Any citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard)