How would this change the underlying way that business is done today?

Peruse the World Economic Forum website paying particular attention to the circular products case examples page –

Think of a common product we own or use today whose business model could be modified to be “circular.”

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How would this change the underlying way that business is done today?
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  • What product did you come up with?
  • What would the new business model look like?
  • How would this change the underlying way that business is done today?
  • What might some savings and benefits be to the new model?
  • What kind of paradigm shift needs to happen for something like this to work?

Note – Each student should have a different product.  Lightbulbs/lighting may not be used.

Initial/Original Post

Please post what you view as the appropriate responses to the above prompts. Your initial post should be 250-270 words. Please provide response with a clear, well-formulated thesis; sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and spelling count. Support ALL posts with appropriate rationale and citations from readings; document sources using APA format.

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