Supply Chain and Strategic Planning.

The paper about:

How does the supply chain process work with strategic planning

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Supply Chain and Strategic Planning.
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Instructions attached below

Subject: Management

Make it 4100 words

follow the attached paper format.

include 160 words abstract on page 2

for the literature search section, do a serious lit review on “How does the supply chain process work with strategic planning” here u need very many recent journal articles on the topic, cases of businesses, and so on, since its lit review u need to cite several times in each paragraph.

in findings, indicate the results from your lit review article studies, business cases and so on

The analyses the findings, and discuss under analysis

estimate lengths:

  1. ABSTRACT – 160 words
    II. BACKGROUND – 2pgs
  2. FINDINGS – 2pgs
  3. ANALYSIS – 3 pgs
    VI. SUMMARY/conclusion –  1pg

make sure total is 4100 words

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Paper format
  • 275 words per page
  • 12 pt Arial/Times New Roman
  • Double line spacing
  • Any citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard)