What does Ahab’s fate teach us about pride and heeding God’s warnings?

Write a response that answers one or more of the following questions regarding today’s readings:

  • How does Psalm 73 embody the experiential truth of a shift from worldly to Godly ways of thinking? What does Psalm 73 suggest is necessary to make sense of how God punishes the sinful and rewards the wicked?
  • How does Jehoshaphat change over time? What lessons does he learn regarding Ahab? How is this significant from the perspective of biblical heroism?
  • How do the stories of Jehoshaphat and Joseph illustrate God’s control over the fate of the individual? And what do they say about God’s general attitude toward mankind?
  • What does Ahab’s fate teach us about pride and heeding God’s warnings?

o Requirements: The response should adhere to APA formatting and be 350 words in length.

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What does Ahab’s fate teach us about pride and heeding God’s warnings?
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