Describe the value of a network of physicians and hospitals in early detection of an outbreak.

Weapons of Mass Destruction


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Describe the value of a network of physicians and hospitals in early detection of an outbreak.
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Please answer the following questions. Your answers can be based on the lectures. Some of the answers are based on lectures you have not seen yet, but question #4 you can begin your research now. You may do additional research on the questions, if you do site where you obtained the information. I always like extra work and that provides you extra credit.

  1. Describe in full the difference between a bacteria and a virus.
  2. Describe the value of a network of physicians and hospitals in early detection of an outbreak.
  3. Evaluate, not just describe, the effectiveness of detection methods on a biological WMD attack.
  4. Discuss in full the balance between public health and safety and individual freedoms. Include and site at least one additional source of information in reference to Covide19 and whether the government has a right to restrict public gatherings, mandate certain business, such as bars, must be closed, and that people must wear mouth and nose coverings. THIS question IS important. YOUR answer must be detailed and EXTENSIVE. A 2 or3 or 4 sentence answer will not receive much credit.

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