Would a free trade treaty be more likely to pass or fail in Congress? Why

Questions to be addressed in your essay:
1. Which groups of people within Freedonia would support the free trade agreement
and which groups would oppose it? Why? Intl. Business relationship between countries.
2. Given Freedonia's institutions, would a free trade treaty be more likely to pass or
fail in Congress? Why? Name one institutional reform that could change the bill's
likelihood of passing and explain why this would affect the prospects of Freedonia
adopting free trade.
Question 1 Requirements for full credit: The essay correctly identifies which groups
of people would support and which groups of people would oppose the free trade
agreement. In justifying the answer, the essay identifies the theory that explains who
wins and who loses with free trade. In laying out the theory, the essays gives a
complete explanation that demonstrates a solid understanding of how it works.

Question 2 Requirements for full credit: Answer to whether the bill would be more
likely to pass or fail is correct, as well as the explanation. The essay suggests an
institutional reform that could plausibly change the prospects of the bill. In
discussing the chances of the bill passing before and after the hypothetical
institutional reform, the essay demonstrates a solid understanding of why
institutions matter for trade policy.

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Would a free trade treaty be more likely to pass or fail in Congress? Why
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