What recommendations would your team make to improve current protections?

Child Protection Laws

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What recommendations would your team make to improve current protections?
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  1. Research the child protection laws and policies in your state or a state with which you are familiar. Please decide as a group on one state.

    Write a 900-word paper analyzing laws and policies of child protection.

    Include answers to the following questions in your paper:

    • What protections do the laws and policies provide currently?
    • What are the benefits of these protections?
    • What are the statutes of limitations?
    • What role does a human service worker play in this process?
    • How would the role of the human service worker change if the child is already involved in the juvenile justice system?
    • What recommendations would your team make to improve current protections?

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

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  • 275 words per page
  • 12 pt Arial/Times New Roman
  • Double line spacing
  • Any citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard)