What does it mean to be educated?

Write 4-5 typed, double-spaced pages (1300-1500 words), plus a Works Cited page (a 5th or 6th page). Use MLA Format for your heading and page numbering.
Your essay should include several MLA-formatted, parenthetically-cited quotations from Educated. Use your judgment to choose and reflect upon a number of quotations that will help you support your thesis. Your primary task is to analyze the memoir Educated, but you must also include at least one quotation from a secondary source. A secondary source might be an article or any related resource mentioned in class or located on our class’ web page. You might include a statistic from the Library database Statista or define a term from one of the specialized encyclopedias in Gale eBooks. Be sure to cite any secondary source(s) in MLA format.
Please use a standard font (i.e., Times New Roman in size 12) and one-inch margins.
Submit the essay to Turnitin.com by the due date & time.
Late work will not be accepted.

Thesis: What does it mean to be educated? Tara Westover concludes the book with the idea that what she calls education others might call transformation and metamorphosis or even falsity and betrayal (329). Explore how education could be all those things to Westover and her family.

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What does it mean to be educated?
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