Type a report that describes the concerns pertaining to social, ethical, legal, and human issues of technology. The report must be one page (single-spaced, 12 point font) and must answer the following questions:
• What is the definition of cyberbullying?
• What types of consequences can occur as a result of cyberbullying?
• What can teachers, parents, administrators, counselors, etc. do to prevent cyberbullying?
• What can students do to control cyberbullying?
• What technical methods can be used to prevent and control cyberbullying?
Please use the following online resources to complete your report:
• Cyberbullying.gov, https://www.stopbullying.gov
• National Crime Prevention Council, https://www.ncpc.org/resources/cyberbullying/
• When Bullying Goes High-tech, http://www.cnn.com/2013/02/27/health/cyberbullying-online-bully-victims/index.html
• Cyberbullying Research Center, http://cyberbullying.us/
• Stand Up to Cyberbullying, http://www.commonsensemedia.org/cyberbullying
• Tech&Learning, http://www.techlearning.com/news/0002/cyber-bullying-responsibilities-and-solutions/65317
Once you have written the one-page report, submit the document through Turnitin assignment part 1 in Canvas. Do not include a bibliography. Turnitin will return the findings, and you should have a report count about 90% or more being plagiarized. That is OK for this part of the assignment.
Now, that you have experienced how a plagiarism detection software like Turnitin can be used by teachers (although such software is not always perfect), the time to “properly” write a report is next. This time, you are to summarize, synthesize, paraphrase, etc. in YOUR OWN WORDS the answers to the questions earlier (350+ words). Use what you have completed earlier, but this time the written content needs to be in your own words and not copied/pasted. Do not include the questions in the revised draft. Once you have completed the report in your own words, submit the document through Turnitin Part 2 in Canvas. This time your report count should be 15% or less.