How New Technologies are Making an Impact on Businesses

How New Technologies are Making an Impact on Businesses
This paper is focused on the role of new technologies and how they impact business operations and decisions. This is a research paper, so you need to have references in APA style. Your paper should be at least 3500 words, and at a minimum discuss the following topics:
Three different and new/emerging technologies
o Introduce the technologies
o Howaretheybeingused(orhowtheywillbeused) o What are their potential for users and businesses
Impacts on business operations, decisions, sales, etc. o Positive&Negative
Impact on executives, employees, customers, humans, etc. o Positive&Negative
Some Guidance on Your Topics:
Emerging topics should be specific and recent (past five years)
Dont write about Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Self-Driving cars, IoT, and
other buzz words because you wont be able to focus on the topic. Too many tangents
to go on, which results in you not being able to drive your point home
Instead, focus on a specific technology or version of the technology.
For example:
o If you want to write about Amazon Alexa, thats fine. But pick the latest version of Alexa and focus on why its so much better than the pervious.
o If you want to write about Tesla, thats cool. But pick a model and the latest new improvement that is added on to the vehicle / software
o You get the idea right?
o But then you have to ask the question is that enough content for you to write
And finally, you should find something you want to research and write about. If you
dont have fun with this assignment (and youre majoring in ISOM), then youre not doing something right.
Your grade will be dependent on:
How effectively you address the minimum points listed above
How organized your paper is, and how well it flows
Correct spelling & grammar
To get a perfect score go above and beyond the minimum points while ensuring bullet
points #2 & #3 are still addressed.
If you choose not to submit a Draft of the paper with a minimum of 1500 relevant words
for review you risk losing two additional points on your Final Paper Submission.

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How New Technologies are Making an Impact on Businesses
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  • 12 pt Arial/Times New Roman
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  • Any citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard)