Define the concept of the Wild. Is it a noun, an adjective, or both? Is it a place, an animal, a quality, an idea, or a mindset?

Draw from Campbell’s Evolution of Mass Communication (2017), Nashs Wilderness & The American Mind (2014), Urry & Larsens The Tourist Gaze 3.0 (2011), “#Vanlife” (2017) and “Recreating Wilderness 2.0” (2016) to answer this question:

How has the evolution in media technology changed humans imagination of, and interaction with, the Wild? What is the resulting impact on the Wild? Trace the changes from premodern  (Links to an external site.)times, to modern and postmodern  (Links to an external site.)times
***The first hyperlink inserted above (a Youtube lecture) gives you a quick and dirty breakdown of the differences between premodern, modern, and postmodern times; the second hyperlink (a Purdue University course webpage) gives a helpful timeline of the evolution from premodern/oral society to modern/print and postmodern/electronic-digital times

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Define the concept of the Wild. Is it a noun, an adjective, or both? Is it a place, an animal, a quality, an idea, or a mindset?
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By media technology, I am mainly referring to communication technology (e.g. organic/interpersonal/mass/digital media or logistical/recording/transmission media), but you could also define it broadly to include production technology (e.g. hunting/herding/farming/industrial production methods) and transportation technology (e.g. walks/trains/ships/cars/planes), both of which has communicative and structuring functions.
Please define the concept of the Wild. Is it a noun, an adjective, or both? Is it a place, an animal, a quality, an idea, or a mindset?
Evoke as many key concepts and arguments from the readings as you can. Add page numbers to where the quotes come from.
Draw as many connections and comparisons between the readings as you can.
Create a personalized title, a unique thesis, and organize the essay in the most intriguing and insightful way you can. Be creative.

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