What access to information does the Freedom of Information Act include? What does it exclude?


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What access to information does the Freedom of Information Act include? What does it exclude?
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Caristi, D. & Davie, W. (2018). Communication law: Practical applications in the digital media (2nd ed.)

Complete all discussion prompts below.

Access to information helps to ensure quality stories and support for statements. While there is the legal right to access some information, other information is governed by laws that restrict its use or its access. This information can only be gathered by following the paths prescribed by law and regulations.

• What access to information does the Freedom of Information Act include? What does it exclude?

• What are three methods of news gathering that must be avoided due to liability concerns and laws which restrict access?

• Are there methods or procedures that could be followed to legally obtain the same information?

• From your perspective, is there information that is ethically wrong to access? If so, explain and provide examples. How does a biblical worldview influence this perspective?

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