Compare and contrast relevant statistics that relate to wages, income level, macroeconomic conditions

Imagine yourself as an HR manager of a mid-size IT-company located in California. You are invited to participate in the Board of Directors meeting. The agenda for this meeting contains a question of coming up with two alternative locations for creating a remote virtual office in Eastern Europe and Central Asia region. Using table A1 on p. 87 of the Global Wage Report, select any two countries that represent this region and do background research on them. Then, develop a PPT presentation that would address the following:

compare and contrast relevant statistics that relate to wages, income level, macroeconomic conditions, as well as peculiarities of compensation and provision of benefits for the two countries (for this, you may use World Bank data reports available at (Links to an external site.) and any other resources that you will be able to locate)
compare and contrast relevant information on cultures and business norms of the two countries, as well as the US, and outline implications that those might have on motivation of the future virtual team
develop recommendations in terms of which country looks more attractive as the best choice for such location with the rationale of why you think so
Your PPT presentation should be at least 15 slides long, excluding the title page and reference list. Be sure to include detailed speakers notes to support the brief points presented on the slides. Use at least 5 additional sources other than reading materials to support your argumentation. References to the reading materials and/or additional sources must follow APA style.

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Compare and contrast relevant statistics that relate to wages, income level, macroeconomic conditions
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