The future of AR/VR/MR.

Create a Comprehensive Final Research Paper: Topic ideas are within the broad fields of SFX or CGI:

Discuss Current Directors/SFX Supervisors who Incorporate Practical Effects in Their Films; Present Examples

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The future of AR/VR/MR.
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Discuss Jim Hensons Contributions/Impact on the Film Industry;  Present Examples

Jurassic Park Proved Instrumental in Transforming Film Production;  Discuss, and Present Examples

The future of AR/VR/MR: Transforming Education;  Present Examples

The Incorporation of AI in Daily Web-Browsing;  Present Examples

The Life and Times of the Great Stone Face/Buster Keaton

Rick Baker: Creatures Comfort

The Ancient History of Life-Casting

Stan Winston, Modern-Day Dinosaur Wrangler

Pyrotechnics in Film Special Effects


Please chose a topic that interests you.



At least 4 full pages of rewritten content: top of the page to bottom of the page

No images

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Submit two files:  1docx file/1pdf file

Submit 1 docx file to BB dropbox; submit 1 pdf file to BB Submissions

Naming conventions: jdoe20_w2021_paper4.docx;  jdoe_w2021_paper4.pdf. (Use your exact SCAD login/dropbox name)

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At least 4 separate research sources must be used for this 1-topic final paper

Wikipedia is never accepted as a valid research source when it is the ONLY source.
A paper having a single research source is not valid research, and it is never accepted as such.
All Sources Cited:  Create an exact list of every source on a final page
This paper MUST be completely re-written in your own words.

Do not paraphrase: paraphrasing does not foster originality. Paraphrasing is not rewriting, but incorporating/claiming information or ideas written by a professional writer as the paraphrasers own words. I have yet to read one paraphrased excerpt that is acceptable.  If Safe Assign lists the excerpt as questionable, toss it out completely.

Each student is required to submit his/her paper through Safe Assign, and to run the document through the Originality tool. If the report indicates any serious issues, it is the students responsibility to correct each problematic highlighted area before submitting the final version for grading.

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  • 12 pt Arial/Times New Roman
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  • Any citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard)