Develop a biblical rationale and a strategy of diplomacy as it relates to divisive issues such as affirmative action, white privilege, role of women, and disability accommodations.

Steps to complete this process:

Please read every essay question carefully before answering to make sure you have acquired the necessary experience/knowledge/skills needed to meet the stated learning outcome.

Pay particular attention to how you attained knowledge, reflected on this knowledge acquisition, and then applied this knowledge to help address new challenges.

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Develop a biblical rationale and a strategy of diplomacy as it relates to divisive issues such as affirmative action, white privilege, role of women, and disability accommodations.
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You must provide examples and relevant documentation (certificates of completion, letters of recommendation, training records, etc.) to support your accumulation, reflection and application of this knowledge.

All answers should be presented as an original work of the student and represent college-level writing. All essay answers will be run through Safe Assign to check for plagiarism.

In order for you to receive approval for credit, each essay question should be answered in its entirety. In order to increase your chances of approval, please be thorough in your answers.

Each question contains an opportunity to attach one supporting document, but the last question gives you opportunity to attach additional documents at once.

Please Label each response and provide relevant reference under each response. I do not need a full reference page. Provide in-text citation when necessary, APA style (peer review journal article dated within 5 years). Please incorporate my work experiences as listed on resume and my trainings in each response. Refer to the grading rubic that is attached to verify that all requirements are met.

Portfolio for Multicultural Issues in Human Services

This course examines contemporary scholarship on race/ethnic relations and addresses issues of racial/ethnic identities, gender inequality, and disability discrimination. It will examine social stratification by looking at various public policy arenas, social institutions, and the history of group marginalization. The course employs case studies, various readings, and theoretical and empirical literature on racial/ethnic relations, gender, and disability issues.

One of the goals of formalized training is to provide students with information and training and to have them apply this learning both inside and outside the traditional classroom environment. Through your life experience, you have essentially completed the same process, but in reverse. Keep this in mind as you answer the following question for each learning outcome.

  1. Explain how American society has been and continues to be shaped by the interaction of diverse groups.
  2. Integrate and critically evaluate the literature on multicultural diversity, including an understanding of the unique worldviews of diverse groups.
  3. Identify behaviors, whether overt or covert, which create a hostile environment for any member of a people group recognized as oppressed.
  4. Develop a biblical rationale and a strategy of diplomacy as it relates to divisive issues such as affirmative action, white privilege, role of women, and disability accommodations.
  5. Explain how various minority communities preserve and express their culture of origin as well as processes of acculturation by which they incorporate aspects of the broader U.S. culture.
  6. Explain the impact disability has on the social context, family, race, and ethnicity and how to serve the needs of this population.
  7. Analyze the role government, laws, and movements have on the disability community.
  8. Demonstrate an understanding of how to present reasoned discussion of multicultural issues in a manner consistent with current formatting guidelines.
  9. Identify concerns and strategies for counseling multicultural clients considering the unique characteristics of multicultural clients.

Below are additional information on a few of my trainings

Topics Covered in Mental Health First Aid

Depression and mood disorders

Anxiety disorders



Substance Use disorders

Mental Health First Aid teaches about recovery and resiliency – the belief that individuals experiencing these challenges can and do get better, and use their strengths to stay well.

The Mental Health First Aid Action Plan

Assess for risk of suicide or harm

When helping a person going through a mental health crisis, it is important to look for signs of suicidal thoughts and behaviors, non-suicidal self-injury, or other harm. Some warning signs of suicide include:

  • Threatening to hurt or kill oneself
  • Seeking access to means to hurt or kill oneself
  • Talking or writing about death, dying, or suicide
  • Feeling hopeless
  • Acting recklessly or engaging in risky activities
  • Increased use of alcohol or drugs
  • Withdrawing from family, friends, or society
  • Appearing agitated or angry
  • Having a dramatic change in mood

Listen nonjudgmentally

It may seem simple, but the ability to listen and have a meaningful conversation requires skill and patience. Listening is critical in helping an individual feel respected, accepted, and understood. Mental Health First Aid teaches you to use a set of verbal and nonverbal skills such as open body posture, comfortable eye contact, and other strategies to engage in appropriate conversation.

Give reassurance and Information

It is important to recognize that mental illnesses and addictions are real, treatable illnesses from which people can and do recover. When talking to someone you believe may be experiencing symptoms of a mental illness, approach the conversation with respect and dignity and don’t blame the individual for his or her symptoms. Mental Health First Aid provides information and resources you can offer to someone to provide emotional support and practical help.

Encourage appropriate professional help

There are many professionals who can offer help when someone is in crisis or may be experiencing the signs and symptoms of a mental illness or addiction.

  • Types of Professionals
    • Doctors (primary care physicians or psychiatrists)
    • Social workers, counselors, and other mental health professionals
    • Certified peer specialists
  • Types of Professional Help
    • “Talk” therapies
    • Medication
    • Other professional supportsThe Mental Health First Aid course provides a variety of local and national resources to connect individuals in need to care.

Encourage self-help and other support strategies

Individuals with mental illness can contribute to their own recovery and wellness through:

  • Exercise
  • Relaxation and meditation
  • Participating in peer support groups
  • Self-help books based on cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Engaging with family, friends, faith, and other social networksMental Health First Aid helps you to identify potential sources of support and to practice offering these supports to the person you are helping.
Interventions Learned

When you take a course, you learn how to apply the Mental Health First Aid action plan in a variety of situations, including when someone is experiencing:

Panic attacks

Suicidal thoughts or behaviors

Nonsuicidal self-injury

Acute psychosis (e.g., hallucinations or delusions)

Overdose or withdrawal from alcohol or drug use

Reaction to a traumatic event

The opportunity to practice — through role plays, scenarios, and activities — makes it easier to apply these skills in a real-life situation.

Benefits of Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training (CPI)

Recognize & Respond to Crisis

Your staff learns decision-making skills to match the level of the response to the risk of the crisis, focusing on the least-restrictive response to ensure the Care, Welfare, Safety, and Security℠ of those in your care. This includes recognizing the stages of an escalating crisis and learning evidence-based techniques to appropriately de-escalate.

Safe Physical Intervention

Our evidence-based techniques have been successfully used for over 40 years and are recognized by national and international organizations. NCI training emphasizes physical intervention as a last resort and appropriate to the level of risk.

Evidence-Based & Fully Accredited

Your staff can earn Continuing Education Credits while practicing strategies that are based on the latest evidence on brain and behavior. A rigorous bi-annual research review ensures that our restrictive interventions meet best-practice international standards.

Undergard College Courses related to Human Services Counseling

General Psychology

Principles of Substance Abuse

Studies in Behavioral Modification

Professional Techniques Hum Services (Self Esteem)

Professional Techniques Human Services (Children of Dysfunctional Family)

Introductory Sociology

Intro Personal Processes

Dual Diagnosis

Vulnerable Populations

Treatment & Resources Substance Abuse

Leadership & Management in Health & Human Services

Substance Abuse & the Family

Case Management Problem-Solving

Theories/Foundation Crisis Intervention

Educational Concepts Allied Health Education

Health & Human Services Finance

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