How would this be applicable to a business that you would like to open in the future?

Assignment Rubric

Our first Assignment Paper has you researching and applying our reading this week to a Company that

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How would this be applicable to a business that you would like to open in the future?
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symbolizes the entrepreneurial spirit. So, you will be researching “TOMS Shoes” and it’s Founder/Chief

Shoe Giver, Blake Micoskie, in responding to the Assignment questions that follow. TOMS Shoes, is an

online seller of shoes, has a unique marketing philosophy that is based on a considerable level of

corporate responsibility and philanthropy. Their shoes are primarily sold online and for every pair of

shoes a person buys, a pair of shoes is provided to a child in a developing country. As a starting point for

your research, you might want to visit their website at

In pulling your minimum 2-page response section together, you will want to respond to the following

questions (based on our ebook reading and using “qualified” research sources) and respond to each

question in the order asked.

1. Describe the elements of entrepreneurship.

2. Describe how the key elements of entrepreneurism (as outlined in our reading and based on

your “qualified” research sources) have influenced the Founder of TOMS?

3. Explain how social responsibility and social entrepreneurship play a role in how TOMS is

structured to achieve their profit motive and positive social goals simultaneously.

4. By using and expanding on the “Dream Scale,” that is found in our ebook reading this week,

apply this framework to how would this be applicable to a business that you would like to open

in the future?

5. In follow-up to the 3rd question, how can you personally apply the principles of social

responsibility and social entrepreneurship to the business that you would like to create?

APA Requirements & Suggestions

APA format writing has very specific writing requirements that need to be met and are graded at Kaplan.

A few of these major requirements include:

• Microsoft Office programs only: Word, PowerPoint, or Excel (versions 2007 or higher)

• A Title Page should be the first page of your Assignment

• Each page should be double-spaced (no spaces between paragraphs)

• You will indent each new paragraph

• Font should be Times New Roman and 12 pt. font only

• 1” margins all around for your page setup

• APA formatted Reference Page is the last page of your Assignment

• Your Reference Page should include at least two “qualified” research sources on it

• You should include at least two Citations in your response section (each instance should be

just a sentence or two or support your writing)

• Bullet Points and Numbered Lists should not be used

• Qualified Research Sources should only be used (i.e. no resources exemplified by Wikipedia

and will be accepted) and typically these are found by using resources like the

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