The essay will be based on “Where are you Going, Where Have you Been?” by Joyce Carol Oats and “Young Goodman Brown,” by Nathaniel Hawthorne. In both of these texts, the reader is presented with seemingly innocent characters that meet with evil and are destroyed by it. Which text better illustrates the terrifying existence of evil in the world?
Thesis Statement – must be declarative, clear, and arguable.
o An in depth understanding of the texts with no errors of fact– e.g., “Young Goodman Brown” takes place in India.
o The essay supports the argument made in the thesis statement.
o Each paragraph points back to the thesis statement.
o The conclusion summarizes points made in the essay and may repeat the thesis statement.
o The essay must include textual evidence in the form of direct quotations from the primary texts.
Organization – The texts must receive equal coverage. Each paragraph must transition well into the following paragraph. A clear counterargument
A clear refutation of the counterargument
Reliability of outside sources
Integration of quotations
MLA – the essay must be in correct and complete MLA format
Mechanics – spelling, punctuation, and grammar must be correct.
4-6 Pages
MLA Format
A minimum of 4 Outside sources
A minimum of 4 Quotations from each primary text
Works Cited Page