Do you think these events would have taken place even if Dr. King had not been assassinated? Why or why not

A: short questions need to be answered. (questions and instruction attached)

Part B: One page essay( instruction attached)

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Do you think these events would have taken place even if Dr. King had not been assassinated? Why or why not
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Part C: Discussion, and reply to two post…

(Part C continue)Discussion …Based on your reading in the webtext, respond to the following prompt in one to two paragraphs. Describe the impact of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination on the effort to expand civil rights for African Americans. How might the struggle for civil rights have evolved differently if Dr. King had not been killed? Be sure to answer the following questions in your Discussion post:

What were one or two specific consequences of Dr. King’s assassination?
Do you think these events would have taken place even if Dr. King had not been assassinated? Why or why not
after you write the discussion reply to following two post. In response to your peers, explain whether you agree or disagree with their conclusions. Provide specifics reasons as to why or why not.

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