Explain how and why you empathised with your users, and what the outcome was.

Your task is to use a design thinking process to develop a new idea for an information or communication technology or something that uses ICT. Interesting ideas are best. There is no requirement that your idea be good for the world, but it does need to have a purpose.

  • You are not writing an essay about Design Thinking.
  • You are using Design Thinking and documenting what you did in each step of the process.
  • Explain how and why you empathised with your users, and what the outcome was.
  • Explain how and why you defined your users’ needs and problems, and what the outcome was.
  • Explain how and why you ideated by challenging assumptions and creating new ideas, and give some examples of what the outcome was.
  • Create a low-fidelity prototype.
  • Show your prototype to your stakeholders and test it.
  • Refine your prototype if necessary and test again.

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Explain how and why you empathised with your users, and what the outcome was.
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