What are possible psychological, sociological, and situational factors that influence the Coppertone consumer purchase decision process?

Analysis Paper Read the Coppertone video case, watch the corresponding video to answer the following questions:   1.How has an understanding of consumer behavior helped Coppertone grow in the United States and around the globe? 2.Describe the five-stage purchase decision process for a Coppertone customer. 3.What are possible psychological, sociological, and situational factors that influence the Coppertone consumer purchase decision process? 4.What challenges does Coppertone face in the future? 5.What actions would you recommend related to each challenge? Link to case study reading and a Video case: http://www.chegg.com/homework-help/coppertone-creating-leading-sun-care-brand-understanding-con-chapter-4-problem-1VCQ-solution-9781259712364-exc

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What are possible psychological, sociological, and situational factors that influence the Coppertone consumer purchase decision process?
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